Time Management using PERT tools

Do you have a project you have to finish in a certain deadline? Not certain how to go about planning it?

Great  time management and project management begins by having and writing down a clear plan. An extraordinary approach to plan your projects is to make a "PERT Chart."

What is a PERT Chart?

When you make a visual representation of your tasks and projects, you and others can see it in its totality. This is frequently called a PERT chart. This time management technique is utilized by the most proficient and viable companies and organizations around the world. This diagram empowers you to see different approaches to accomplish the task with more effective productivity.

Start by deciding the goals and objectives you must accomplish. Begin with the end in mind. Take the time to create total clarity about what your goals would look like in the event that they were fulfilled in an excellent manner. At that point, work back from the future to the present. Make a list of the consistent steps, in order, that you have to take to get from where you are to where you need to be.

Time Management Plan Using a PERT Chart

The utilization of a PERT chart, ("Program Evaluation Review Technique,") sets out graphically all the steps you have to take, and when each step needs to be taken for you to accomplish the final goal.

Define Your Time Management Goals

Your capability to plainly define and focus the steps that you will need to take from where you are today to the finished project is a sign of clear thinking and superior project management skill.

Every minute you spend on planning and creating checklists will spare you ten minutes in execution and accomplishing the task.

The most effective method to Create a PERT Chart

1. Begin by writing out the Final Product. Draw a line with each of your objectives or goals plotted backwards from the planned date of completion of your final product. Lay it out on paper so you can see when you need to accomplish each piece of the task, keeping in mind the end goal to have the whole job finished on schedule.

2. Stay on Top of Your Projects. By thinking on paper, and utilizing a PERT Chart, you take complete control of the succession of tasks or the sequence of events. You have a track to run on. You have an arrangement of tasks that you can keep an eye on to make certain that they are finished on schedule and in line with set quality standards. By utilizing a PERT Chart, you avoid being overwhelmed by deadlines. You are constantly on top of your work and your significant projects.

3. Set Your Deadline. Set your deadlines with plenty allowance for risk. Remember Murphy's law, "whatever can go wrong, will go wrong." With that in mind, let’s assume you have until 30th of the month to complete a task, set your deadline to 15th or 20th of the month. This will give you room for uncertainties.

Think Things Through in Advance: Keep in mind, the greatest time management ability you have is your capability to think, particularly to think things through ahead of time. The more time you take to think and plan, on paper, the better outcomes you will get, and the quicker you will get those results.

““You may delay, but time will not””

— Benjamin Franklin


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