Understanding the ITTOs and 47 Processes is Key, by Micheal Oniya

It's only normal to get a slight attack of fear or doubt when the date of your exam draws near. You can almost find yourself doing things in a panic and skipping the normal order of how you should prepare and study. You must learn to avoid this.

You must bring your mind to concentrate on what's relevant in your study. Thanks to the Ciel team, I knew what I had to arm myself with. I read through the Rita Mulcahy Project Management Prep book, the PMBok 5 and Whitaker PMP ITTO app. It's important here again to stress the importance of concentrating on the right things. You have to know the ITTOs (Inputs, Tools, Techniques and Outputs), not just by cramming or rote memorization, but having in-depth knowledge of them. The ITTOs and the 47 processes are key. In fact, I spent the first 18 minutes writing out the 47 processes and formulas and this made quite a difference in my results.

I am sharing these tips because they helped me during my PMP Certification examination. I learned some from Ciel Consulting, and developed and adapted some based on the necessities of the hour. Thankfully, it yielded great results; I passed excellently, scoring above average in all the knowledge areas.

I sincerely hope this helps.


What Do Great Project Managers Do that Average Project Managers Don't?


I Scaled Through the PMP Certification Hurdle! - Here's How, by Onochie