

Procrastination is one of the biggest productivity killers in the modern world. It's a common habit that can lead to some pretty negative consequences, but it doesn't have to be that way. The first step to overcoming procrastination is understanding it. In this article, we'll explore what procrastination is and how you can overcome it by using techniques like mindfulness meditation and positive thinking.

What is procrastination

Procrastination is a habit of delaying or even avoiding actions. The habit can be changed, as long as you are willing to put in the work and effort. Procrastination can also be used as a way to deal with stress. It’s often easier to avoid responsibilities than it is to take care of them. This includes tasks such as doing homework and cleaning your room, but it also extends into other areas of your life such as relationships and careers.

Procrastination may seem like the easiest way for you to avoid failure, but in reality it can lead to more problems than just one task not getting done by its deadline (or at all). For example: if you don't finish your homework on time because you were too busy watching Netflix instead then this could cause problems later down the road when tests come around since they require knowledge from previous chapters/lessons that weren't studied thoroughly enough due lack focus during preparation time.

Delay is dangerous

Procrastination is dangerous. It leads to stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, depression and a lack of productivity. In other words: procrastinators tend to be unhappy people.

This is because procrastinating leads you to feel like you're doing nothing with your time and as a result it can lead to a lack of motivation and productivity - which means that even if you did feel motivated enough one day (which doesn't happen often) then there's no guarantee that it will last long enough for anything good to get done!

Procrastinators also have lower self-esteem than non-procrastinators; they feel underachieving compared with the rest of us who are able to achieve what we set out with ease without having any trouble along the way...

How to deal with procrastination

Procrastination is a habit. It's hard to break a bad habit, but it can be done.

To break your procrastination pattern, take these steps:

-Identify your triggers. What triggers your procrastination? Is it the thought of doing something difficult? Is it fear that you won't be able to get something done well enough? Or is it simply being bored with a task and wanting to do something more interesting instead? Once you know what triggers your procrastination, you can work on ways to avoid these triggers in the future. For instance, if you want to write an essay but don't feel like doing so, go for a walk around campus or listen to music instead.

-Break the cycle. Once you've identified your procrastination triggers, you can break their hold over you. For example, if you find yourself putting off an assignment because it's difficult, start by doing something easier first—like reading through the directions for the task at hand or brainstorming ideas for its completion.

You can also try to take small steps toward your goal, instead of trying to do everything at once. For example, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of writing a 20-page paper, start by writing just one paragraph; then move on to another paragraph and so on until you've completed all 20 pages.

Take that decision now

  • Take that decision now.

  • Don't wait for a better time or the perfect moment, because there will never be a "right" time or an ideal situation. The best time is right now, and every moment is perfect in its own way! If you're not taking action, it's because you're avoiding something uncomfortable or challenging—but if you want to become more productive (and live more of your life), then discomfort is inevitable.


Procrastination is a habit that we all have. It’s bad and can be harmful, but it doesn’t mean that you are an awful person or you cannot do anything about it. There are many ways to deal with procrastination and stop it from becoming a problem in your life. The most important thing for me was realizing how dangerous delay can be, so if you find yourself putting off something important then take action now!


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