Before you Japa!!!


Travelling abroad is a lot more than just packing your clothes and taking off for the airport. There are many important things that you need to prepare before you go abroad, including visas, vaccinations, skills, certifications and the language you will be using if you are traveling to a non-English speaking country.


  • Research the country you are going to.

  • Research the culture of your destination country.

  • Research its language and food preferences, if applicable.

  • Get an idea of what climate you will experience while there by reading up on weather patterns and other information about the area before leaving home (if possible).

Know your rights

  • Know your rights and responsibilities

  • Be aware of local laws and customs

  • Be aware of the differences between the country you are traveling to and Nigeria. Certain things like beating the Traffic light may be a very big offense abroad.

  • Know what to do if you are arrested, detained or injured in an emergency situation

Get the proper vaccinations

If you're planning on traveling to most countries, it's important to get the proper vaccinations in order.

You may need a yellow fever vaccine, Covid 19 vaccine etc.

If you're unsure about which vaccines are recommended for your trip, check out this list from The World Health Organization:

There are also some other common illnesses that could affect travelers during their time abroad—Eg seasonal Flu, Covid 19; make sure not only these diseases but also their symptoms are known so that medical treatment will be available if needed later on down the road!

Obtain appropriate visas

Before you go on your trip, it's a good idea to check the visa requirements for that country. Visas are the permissions given by a country to enter its borders and stay there for an extended period of time. There are various types of visas available depending on where you're going, so you'll need to obtain one before traveling abroad. You can apply for a visa online or at an embassy.

Learn the language

  • Learn a few words and phrases. If you're going to a non-English speaking country, it's important that you know at least a few basic phrases in that Language. Phrases like: "Excuse me," "thank you," and the numbers from one to ten. You can also use these words when asking for help or expressing gratitude during your stay there.

  • Know how to say please and thank you properly! Those are two of the most common expressions that will come up during your stay, so it's imperative that they are not misused by any means possible—even accidentally!

Know how much it will cost you to live there

Before you travel, it's important to know how much it will cost you. You may be surprised by what a major difference in lifestyle and amenities there is between one country and another.

  • Cost of living: How much does housing cost? What about food? Transportation costs? Entertainment options? Medical expenses (if applicable)? This is where being prepared for your trip comes into play! Take note of any potential surprises when setting up an itinerary so that they don't ruin your plans before they even start.

  • Accommodation: If you're planning on staying with friends or family members during your visit abroad, make sure they have enough space for their guests. Also, be mindful of increasing energy prices abroad and know that your host may want you to pay for usage of such Utilities. It may be wise to make extra arrangements beforehand through Airbnb or similar services like VRBO - especially if your hosts are also trying to make a living themselves as is mostly the case!

Always be prepared before travelling

  • Traveling abroad is a big deal.

  • You need to plan ahead. Ask yourself, how can I earn a living when I get to my destination? Explore qualifications like Scrum Master, PMP, CBAP, First Aid and CPR for caregivers, and project planning/scheduling.

  • You need to be prepared. It may be necessary for you to learn some skills like MS Project, Primavera P6, Salesforce, Digital Marketing and Business Analysis. Traditional skills like plumbing, hairdressing, dress-making and driving may come in handy. You can easily practice these skills eg driving an Uber until you decide to or have the opportunity for a better job.

  • You need to know what you are getting into and the risks involved, so that you can prepare for anything that may come up during your stay abroad.


Ciel Consulting offers a wide range of Certification courses that you will find absolutely valuable and are globally relevant. Courses like PMP, CBAP, Scrum, HSE, CISA, CISM, CISSP to mention a few. Contact us today so as to make your travel abroad more productive and quite enriching. Please leave a comment on other things you think those who have Japa plans may need to know.


